Clients of Our Property Maintenance Specialists in Sydney
- Independent Practioners Network
- Sonic Health
- Uniting Church
- Glaxo Smithe Kline
- QBE Insurance
- Sussan
- Sportsgirl
- William Hill
- Credit Union Australia
- Emedia Creative
- Mission Australia
- Sydney Park Management
- Richard Wills Real Estate
- Strata Choice
- Global Strata Management
- Granville Diggers RSL
- Seed Heritage
- CUE Clothing
- W.Lane
- Pretty Girl Fashion Group
Property Maintenance Specialists
At APM, Property Maintenance is not an after thought, it’s what we are all about. The range and quality of work that we can handle as well as our ‘can-do’ attitude, truly sets us apart. When it comes to Property Maintenance, APM can handle your entire range of needs, no matter the size of the job.
Wide Range of Services
With a full scope of services and programs to choose from, you can rest assured that one of our qualified property maintenance tradespeople can handle your job. And on the very rare occurrence that we can’t, we’ll be honest and up-front with you and let you know that we can’t but help source the right person for the job.
Flexibility to Suit Your Business
At APM ‘we specialise in doing the work that others think is too hard’ and we get the job done! From light bulb replacement to complete refurbishments and programmed maintenance services. We understand that you most likely have ongoing regular maintenance needs, so we’ve developed a full range of programmed maintenance programs to suit your business, give you peace of mind and save you some money as well.
AMP is trusted by …